Friday, February 29, 2008

Worth Reading: Short takes, 2/29/08

Short takes is Freedom Fighter's way of cramming a lot into a small space..kind of like the young gentleman above. Here's a brief rundown of some of today's items of interest:

An Exclusive Interview With Phillipe Karsenty A nice recap of the Mohammed Al Dura case. Closing arguments have been presented and we should know soon what value the truth has in France.

The Curse Of The Moderates CAROLINE GLICK , The Jerusalem Post's ace columnist has a superb piece on the current situation in Pakistan.

Fast Forward To 2009 Victor Davis Hansen looks at the post-Bush world.

Will the State Department Side with American Terror Victims or Yasser Arafat? - Andrew C. McCarthy on a story I covered here, the possible intervention by the US State Department to set aside US court judgements awarded to victims of Palestinian terrorists.

Guns, Butter and the War - Jed Babbin examines the false arguments put forth by the Left on Iraq..

The Enduring Power of Ethnic Nationalism - Dr. Jerry Muller writes a valuable piece rich in background on the subject in Foreign Affairs.

Enjoy...have a great weekend!

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